If you’re reading this, it probably means you’re looking for guidance on whether doing push-ups before bedtime can improve your sleep quality. Rest assured, I’ve got your back.
I’ll guide you through the benefits of doing a few push-ups before bed and how to make it a habit, so it becomes part of your nightly routine for better sleep.
Whether or not these nightly push-ups improve your sleep quality is up for debate, but even if they don’t, there are plenty of other benefits to be gained from this simple exercise for better sleep.
Before I get into the reasons why you should consider adding push ups to your bedtime routine, let’s talk about why they’re actually beneficial for your body.
As I mentioned, if you suffer from insomnia or find sleep hard to come by, the effects of doing push ups before bed may lie somewhere in the placebo effect. But even if you’re not trying to improve your quality of sleep, there are several health benefits associated with regular push ups.
For one thing, they help strengthen your core muscles and improve upper body strength. They get your heart pumping, which improves cardiovascular health and keeps blood flowing through all your organs.
They also provide a range of flexibility exercises for the joints in your arms, as well as helping you work out and build muscle in your chest, shoulders and triceps. All this means that regular push ups not only improve strength but also flexibility.
Better Sleep Through Exercise
One of the main reasons people turn to doing push ups before bed is because they believe that exercise helps promote better sleep. There are plenty of studies to back up this claim, too. One such study was published in the June 2013 issue of the Journal of Physiology. In it, researchers looked at the effects of exercise on sleep patterns and how those patterns changed over time in athletes who consistently worked out for two weeks straight before having a week off training.
The athletes (who were still in peak condition after the week off) slept on average an hour longer and much more soundly than before the study began. There was also evidence to show that their bodies were more in tune with their circadian rhythm, which helps regulate sleeping patterns and improve sleep quality. This suggests that regular exercise can help get your body clock back on track and promote healthier sleep habits.
A Test of Self Control: The Volitional Benefits of Push Ups Before Bed
There are almost endless benefits to be gained from regular exercise, but one I haven’t really talked about yet is the volitional benefits of it. What I mean by this is that push ups before bed aren’t just physical or even physiological, but psychological too.
There’s a reason why athletes tend to have better discipline and practice more self control than people who prefer not to spend time in the gym. Exercise requires it. Nobody can run a marathon or complete a tough circuit training workout without sufficient willpower, dedication and the ability to push through any obstacles that get in the way.
By doing push ups before bed you’re essentially conditioning your body and your mind for success. Not only is this great for your body, but it’s also great for your mind too, which is why many people (including business executives) are now prescribing exercise for curing depression and anxiety disorders.

What Does the Research Say About Push-Ups Before Bed and Sleep Quality?
The research into the effects of exercising before bed is still in its early stages, but it seems that this did turn out to be a valid enough reason to get into the regular habit. That’s because most people who do it report feeling less stressed after a workout. It’s also been shown to reduce the number of times people wake up throughout the night, and those who do wake up experience better quality sleep for longer periods of time.
Remember, sleep is how your body and mind relax and restore themselves after a busy day full of stress and exertion. Since exercise helps relieve stress and promote relaxation, it makes perfect sense that doing push ups before bed can help you sleep better at night.
This study indicates that vigorous late‐night exercise does not disturb sleep quality. However, it may have effects on cardiac autonomic control of heart during the first sleeping hours.
How Do You Do Push-Ups Before Bed for Better Sleep?
So now that I’ve gone through all the reasons why doing push ups before bed can be beneficial for your health and sleep patterns, let’s give you a step-by-step guide on how to get started. I’ll keep it simple and easy to follow so that you’ll have no problem adding these exercises into your nightly routine.
The best way to do push ups before bed is to have them as part of your evening routine, right after work or school. Try starting off with 5 sets of 10 regular push ups at the beginning of each evening. You could also add in 2 sets of 15 incline push ups if you want a tougher workout for more advanced exercises. Try doing this twice a week for starters and see how things go.
As always, listen to your body and make adjustments where needed. If you’re new to push ups, then start with 5 sets of 5. If you’re an athlete who does them every day, do 2 sets of 15 as soon as you get home from work or school.
How Push-Ups Before Bed Can Benefit Your Health and Sleep Quality
There are many benefits to be gained from doing push ups before bed:
Better sleep patterns: It’s a well known fact that doing exercise before bed can help get your body clock back on track by encouraging it to wind down. By doing push ups before bed, your body will know it’s time for rest and recovery when you hit the sack at night.
Doing exercise before bed can help get your body clock back on track by encouraging it to wind down. By doing push ups before bed, your body will know it’s time for rest and recovery when you hit the sack at night. Better quality sleep: All of us are plagued with stress and anxiety in our daily lives, and these can block our ability to sleep peacefully at night. It stands to reason that push ups before bed help us relax and calm down so we can get a good night’s rest.
All of us are plagued with stress and anxiety in our daily lives, and these can block our ability to sleep peacefully at night. It stands to reason that push ups before bed help us relax and calm down so we can get a good night’s rest. More energy and stamina: A lot of people have trouble keeping up with the demands of their daily routines at work or school. By doing push ups before bed, you’ll start your day with more focus and vigor, leading to better performance in everything you do.
A lot of people have trouble keeping up with the demands of their daily routines at work or school. By doing push ups before bed, you’ll start your day with more focus and vigor, leading to better performance in everything you do.
Studies show that performing 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise, such as push-ups, three hours before bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality and duration. There are also some other benefits: increased focus, reduced cravings for junk foods, and improved moods.
Other Great Exercises Before Bed for Better Sleep
Here is a list of great exercises that you can do to fall asleep quickly, improve sleep quality, and promote better sleep.
- Push ups
All types of push ups are great, but the ones at night offer some unique benefits. They work your upper body and your core, which helps you get a good night’s sleep. The best thing about push ups is that they’re super easy to do anywhere! All you need is a mat to lay on. Push ups are also highly effective for burning fat if done often enough. You can start off slowly by doing high knees or jumping jacks. Once you’re warmed up, start doing push ups. Do as many as you can and then take a break by laying on the mat and meditating. As you get in better shape, increase the reps.
- Crunches
Crunches are another great exercise to do before bedtime. They help your core stay strong and they will also strengthen your lungs because of all the deep breaths you’ll be taking! If you’re a beginner, start off with traditional crunches where you lie down on the ground with your arms crossed over your chest for support. As you become more advanced try doing them in the sitting position, or while standing.
- Yoga
There are many types of yoga you can practice and they’ll all help you sleep better at night. They lengthen your body and relax your mind. Yoga is also great for building balance and improving focus. You can start off doing simple sun salutations to get the heart rate up and the blood flowing before meditating to clear your head. After a few minutes of this, grab a mat and go into some simple yoga poses to stretch out all the muscles in your body. When done properly, yoga will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed.
- Stretching
Stretching is another great exercise that does wonders for you before bedtime. It will loosen your muscles and get them ready for sleep. If you have tight hips or hamstrings, stretching can also prevent you from waking up during the night because of cramps. However, always remember to breathe slowly while doing stretches so that you don’t cause stress on your body. Just let your body relax and flow through the movements with each deep breath. When done right, stretching is very effective for promoting a great night’s rest.
- Walking
Walking is one of the easiest exercises you can do in your spare time, and it has a lot of benefits. It keeps your heart healthy, relieves stress, and it’s also good for your lungs. You don’t need to run for miles; all you need to do is walk at a comfortable pace for 20 minutes. Try walking on a treadmill or going for a walk around the neighborhood at night. Doing this just before bedtime can really help you get better sleep at night and wake up feeling energized in the morning!
Now you know why people do push-ups before bed for improved sleep quality. The answer is simple: to promote better sleep and help you get a more restful night’s sleep. Push ups, crunches, yoga and stretching will all help prepare your body for bedtime. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night and waking up feeling groggy in the morning, try doing some of these exercises to see if they can help you relax more and get into a better sleeping routine.
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31621995/
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/exercising-for-better-sleep
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2869.2010.00874.x.
Reader Testimonials and Insights on Our Pushups Before Bed Article
We have received an overwhelming number of emails from our users expressing their gratitude and sharing their experiences following the advice given by our editor, Zack. The impact of his tips on doing pushups before bed has been truly inspiring.
Below, we’ve highlighted a few such stories to share with you. If you have your own insights or experiences, or if you’d just like to thank us, please don’t hesitate to reach out through our contact page. Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us continue providing content that makes a difference in your daily routines.
Revitalized Mornings and Enhanced Strength – Mark, New York City
“I’ve always struggled with morning grogginess, but your article on ‘Benefits of Doing Pushups Before Bed’ introduced me to a simple yet effective solution. The tip about doing slow, controlled pushups to wind down before bed has not only improved my sleep quality but also significantly enhanced my upper body strength. I can’t thank you enough for this practical and impactful advice!”
From Restless Nights to Energetic Mornings – Lisa, San Francisco
“I was skeptical at first, but after reading your article and trying out pushups before bed, I’ve noticed a remarkable change. Your suggestion to integrate deep breathing with each pushup set has helped me calm down and prepare for a restful night. My mornings are now more energetic, and I feel stronger. Your article has been a turning point for my nightly routine.”
A Lifesaver for My Fitness and Sleep – Ahmed, London
“I want to extend my gratitude for your insightful article. The specific advice on varying pushup styles to keep the routine engaging has been a lifesaver. Not only has my sleep improved, but I’ve also seen a noticeable improvement in my overall fitness. This simple routine you suggested has brought about a significant change in my life. Thanks for sharing such valuable tips!”
December 2023 Insights: Latest Studies and Research on Evening Exercise and Sleep
December 2023 brings fresh perspectives from the world of scientific research, shedding new light on how evening workouts impact our sleep. Check the most recent studies and articles that explore the nuanced relationship between nighttime exercise and sleep quality. These insights offer valuable guidance for tailoring your fitness routine to enhance your nightly rest.
1, Effects of aerobic exercise on global cognitive function and sleep in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis
A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by researchers found that aerobic exercise significantly improves cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The study, which analyzed data from 11 studies carried out between January 2011 and August 2022, reported a notable improvement in global cognitive function, quantified as a standardized mean difference of 0.76. However, it did not observe a significant improvement in sleep quality. The analysis further highlighted that specific factors such as the type of aerobic exercise, its duration (30-50 minutes per session), and frequency (5-7 times per week) were critical in enhancing cognitive function. Significantly, the study identified the frequency of exercise as a key moderator in the improvement of cognitive function among the elderly with MCI
Link to a study: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36871328/
2. Review on Exercise Timing and Sleep
The Sleep Foundation emphasizes that exercise is a crucial part of sleep hygiene, enhancing sleep quality and duration. However, the optimal time for exercise varies based on individual factors like chronotype and health conditions. Morning aerobic exercises can advance melatonin release and shift circadian rhythms, potentially aiding early sleep. Evening exercises may affect sleep quality differently for early birds and night owls. While moderate-intensity exercise is generally not detrimental to sleep if concluded at least 90 minutes before bedtime, vigorous exercise close to bedtime can delay sleep. Evening exercise can also improve sleep quality, assisting in faster sleep onset and increasing time in slow-wave sleep. The foundation suggests that exercise, both in the morning and evening, can promote deep sleep, but the specific benefits may depend on personal routines and sleep needs.
Link to a study: www.sleepfoundation.org/physical-activity/best-time-of-day-to-exercise-for-sleep
Written by: Dr. Zack Garcia
Dr. Garcia is one of the prominent doctors in the field of sleep related disorders. He is also one of the writers for many online publications like Sleep Education and Sleep Research Foundation, focusing on the different kinds of Parasomnias and other related sleep disorders. He is awarded for his research in Work Effect of Insomnia.